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Ann, a retired English teacher, is passionate about education & worked for 35 years primarily in St. Louis area public schools.  Her numerous volunteer causes include mental health & progressive political action as well as the right-to-die movement, informing & supporting people in the U.S. who want to know more about their end-of-life choices. 


"I have made it through the hard times in my life by concentrating on right now.  What would bring me renewed resolve or peace? Sometimes it is just acknowledging that whatever I am feeling is OK.  It won’t last forever.  If I have a problem that seems monumental, I try to take the first three steps that I can think of to solve it, feeling sure that if I do those first few things, other steps will reveal themselves to me.   However,  I only can see the next steps if I take action.  This is maybe the biggest lesson that I have learned in my life."

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