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Meg has had a long career as a school counselor.  In her 60's, as she neared retirement from St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, she began working on her "next chapter" as a writer.  Meg has written more than 200 blogs for, & is the author of Silver Sparks: Thoughts on Growing Older, Wiser, and Happier  (2020) & Changepower! 37 Secrets to Habit Change Success (2009).



"One key to my resilience as I’ve aged: “the gratitude attitude”.

  Every day I consciously savor the pleasures of my life, both

large and small — a good meal, a relaxing walk, a fun

conversation, a small success.  I’ve even learned to be grateful

for myself, with all my strengths & quirks. Thanks to the

gratitude attitude, I am happier & more self-confident 

than when I was younger. The other key: purpose. Writing

became my retirement purpose. All my writing success has

come after age 65.  What works for me: setting goals, chipping

away at them, & following a daily writing routine.

Yes, I am a creature of habit!"

A video with Meg.
  To learn about her self
help books & blogs
for Psychology Today,
please visit:
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